söndag, november 20, 2011

i've been thinking 'bout forever


i was watching QI today, with a guest appearance from professor brian cox. what an amazing man.

what was even more amazing was when i sat in awe, listening to the most beautiful thing, told by stephen fry. he was talking about this memory he had from school. this memory he had from chemistry class, when his teacher was holding a rose he had just picked from his garden. a rose, which he slowly dipped in a prepared liquid formula. after lifting the rose from the container, he smashed it towards the table, at which point the rose shattered into a thousand pieces.

it may sound destructive, but the thought of something so soft; so pure and beautiful, shattering into a thousand pieces, like if it had been crafted out of porcelain, really hits home.
how something so soft; so pure and beautiful, can suddenly turn into the most vulnerable thing you ever saw.
how circumstances can change the most basic formula on which we depend, on which we rely on things to adhere by.

Frank Ocean - Thinking About You (SBTRKT Edit)


hearts don't mush, they shatter.

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