onsdag, november 30, 2011
I'm not traditionally one for "art" in the sense of paintings and so forth, and I have therefore no opinion nor perception of dali, but I find this a capture of true genius at work.
truly a remarkable photo - which apparently took dali and the photographer six hours and twentyeight throws (of water, a chair, and three cats)
fredag, november 25, 2011
sure, I'll catch one for you

Star Slinger - How Will I Copulate (Moranis Mashup feat. Whitney)
Hi Darren,
Me and a couple of mates are heading down to the Grand Social tonight in Dublin to see you drop some tunes. Do you have any idea of when you'll start the set? Thinkin' just so that we'll have time to prepare with a proper amount of alcohol before we set our hearts on fire.
so yeah, going to see star slinger tonight.
i would've put tints on my windows
and tyler, i may steal what you write, so sure, go ahead, keep me in sight
i'm not scared of you, i stopped that a long time ago
stopped being a coward, stopped caring what you'd all take me for
for critics writing reports, but no, i'm still not stabbin' anybody with a pitchfork
i'm not gonna take a crack on those guys, but sure, haters gon hate
i just think this shit's getting kinda mainstream as of late
my words may come out right, but i'm still the same old guy
if i care for you i'll show it, if i like you you'll know it
but if i don't, i'll probably ask you to shut your mouth
and i'll definitely not ask you what you're thinking about, or what you like
and i don't care if you mind, 'cause that's kinda where i'm at right now
so maybe i'm not still the same,
i'm kinda pretentious, is that such a shame?
that i've stopped pretending, that i now'll tell you you're lame
i might hurt your feelings, but i'm still keeping it true,
i would, without a doubt, fuck your gf in front of you
start a big bang theory, me, your sister and your wife to be,
leave them cryin' for more, that stuff has never bothered me
why would i cockblock myself, i'd love to leave it out for everyone to see
for everyone to grab, just say the word and i'll stab,
you in whichever of your holes, where you at, miami, spanish sahara,
india, i don't mind praying to the foals
to be honest, i'd say that my patience's wearing thin
all these bitches got em sayin' oh please let us in
why would i let them in, i don't care for them,
not mad for them, can't stand to see them scrambling the tin
as in reality i think i'll never meet your mother
8 more years, you should probably forget about a brother
forget about yourself, you're nothing more than a thought on the calender
just a splash on the bedpost, just a stain from the adder
söndag, november 20, 2011
i've been thinking 'bout forever
i was watching QI today, with a guest appearance from professor brian cox. what an amazing man.
what was even more amazing was when i sat in awe, listening to the most beautiful thing, told by stephen fry. he was talking about this memory he had from school. this memory he had from chemistry class, when his teacher was holding a rose he had just picked from his garden. a rose, which he slowly dipped in a prepared liquid formula. after lifting the rose from the container, he smashed it towards the table, at which point the rose shattered into a thousand pieces.
it may sound destructive, but the thought of something so soft; so pure and beautiful, shattering into a thousand pieces, like if it had been crafted out of porcelain, really hits home.
how something so soft; so pure and beautiful, can suddenly turn into the most vulnerable thing you ever saw.
how circumstances can change the most basic formula on which we depend, on which we rely on things to adhere by.
Frank Ocean - Thinking About You (SBTRKT Edit)
hearts don't mush, they shatter.
fredag, november 18, 2011
stumble on my footprint
cults jobbar på att göra ett mixtape av sitt debutalbum, först upp är freddie gibbs - sneak peek nedan.
Cults feat. Freddie Gibbs - Bad Things (Remix)
och ja, det är fan skitbra.
onsdag, november 16, 2011
foreplay's a bitch
i follow the breadcrumbs,
but still can't seem to find home
those bright eyes seem to take a piss
on everything i've ever known
treating my life of tragedy with parody
while i'm treading every step more careful than i'd care for yeah
withdrawal is my bitch and indifference my girlfriend
is it hard to understand, i'm tryin' to avoid all this hurt man?
since i left you, i've found the world so blue,
the avalanches drowns not only the critique, but my happiness too
she's the one who got me here, who got me going real nice
not just cockwise but she also turned me counter clockwise
got me dropping all my fears, stopped listening to my peers
it may have been done before, but listen, i'm the king of all deers
i'm not here to rip on faggots, is that why you're still calling me one?
'cause i don't put any effort towards proving that i'm not one,
but i'd fuck a bitch to pass the time,
i'd love a bitch to make her mine,
always put her first in line
i've got more problems than i can cunt, stop wasting my damn time
i've got more g's than a faggot, but still can't seem to make her mine
i'm feeling childish, i don't wanna be a part of your community,
no need to help me make it through
to the other side of the glass,
of my window of memories
i'm real happy for you kanye,
but imma trade museums for reality
won't wrap my feelings up real nice to see
they'll have to live with the real thing, they'll have to live with seeing me be me
tisdag, november 15, 2011
fuck a bitch to pass the time
biljetten hem är bokad. tionde januari.
en ljus vinter är på väg. förhoppningen är att det inte är alldeles för mörkt i sveriges januari - hur som helst så känns det som ingenting annat än en snabb passage.
vetskapen om vad som väntar efteråt bleknar ut nutiden. fast inte så farligt - mest fan vad jag måste spara pengar. pengar till asien.
vill gärna ha lite kvar när jag kommer hem dessutom, till början av resten av mitt liv.
(nae, det betyder inte att jag planerar att stanna på ett ställe då och för alltid, men det låter fint, och det är ju vad jag handlar om för det mesta)
mer betyder det nog att jag faktiskt kan ta bilder och försöka droppa tunes istället för tomma rhymes!
Elephant - Assembly
p.s. gud så beach house och härligt d.s.
fredag, november 11, 2011
i learned to cut out the middle man

Donald Glover - Reality
Troy Barnes - Community (mixed feelings about this show, first season is fantastic, second is on the verge of being too "meta")
this dude won't even know what hit him.
Childish Gambino - Bonfire
and yeah, there's a lot of "power" in this track, if you know what i mean, hah -
_lots_ of kanye influences on the album, which you can stream here - camp
måndag, november 07, 2011
these bitches in my bedroom
you'd think i'm missin' pussy,
but i'm missing my best friend
all i've got now is me,
and though that's more than you'll ever be,
lena handén'll no longer cut it for me
i'm not missin' pussy, just that friendly grind on my knee,
just that loving welcome when you set my lower part free.
she always whispered in my ear, 'blow me away',
and i always did, i'd always come out to play.
she always held my hand, 'life will find a way',
but i don't fucking care, 'cause that's what they all say.
i want something special, and though that might make me a faggot,
i'm still active, i've got more fuckin' bitches than you've got!
or will ever have, 'cause that's who i motherfucking am,
for that little something, i'll search every part of every woman, in every land.
fredag, november 04, 2011
we're only two thirds, love
jag hade hoppats att en gyllene nyckel skulle ge mig drömmar som borgmästare i en liten gyllene stad.
jag hade hoppats att jag skulle kunna doppa den i choklad, att jag i solljuset skulle kunna sitta och se den rinna av, tills nyckeln, tills mitt hjärta blir lika rent som omständigheterna det vill befinna sig i.
det här är tredje dagen i rad som jag drömmer konstigt. som jag drömmer jobbigt. som jag drömmer nödvändigt.
verkligheten känns mer ofattbar än drömmen. drömmen känns som någonting jag förtjänar.
torsdag, november 03, 2011
harry, my dream is a code waiting to be
jag har precis börjat se twin peaks.
dock är jag ingen recensent, och avser ej heller att vara det.
intryck finns överallt.
inspiration är det jag söker.

jag drömmer så konstigt nu. förmodligen lika tydligt som special agent cooper.
desto mer jag drömmer, desto mer börjar drömmarnas verklighet komma ikapp den jag kallar min egen.
hanggliders och någon som inte bör nämnas vid namn. verkligheten kommer ikapp, viljestyrkan kommer ikapp.
snälla, var på riktigt.
M83 - Raconte-Moi Une Histoire
dock är jag ingen recensent, och avser ej heller att vara det.
intryck finns överallt.
inspiration är det jag söker.

jag drömmer så konstigt nu. förmodligen lika tydligt som special agent cooper.
desto mer jag drömmer, desto mer börjar drömmarnas verklighet komma ikapp den jag kallar min egen.
det blåser obehagliga, men nödvändiga vindar i mina drömmars kappa.
hanggliders och någon som inte bör nämnas vid namn. verkligheten kommer ikapp, viljestyrkan kommer ikapp.
snälla, var på riktigt.
M83 - Raconte-Moi Une Histoire
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