tisdag, december 27, 2011

i wonder who is like this one


'For Emma, Forever Ago', was, without a doubt, one of the biggest successes accumulated from an independent self-release in a very long time, and well-deserved at that. Bon Iver, in particular Justin Vernon, became a musical phenomenon, and if this wouldn't be his rise to fame, then his guest appearance on Kanye West's latest solo album, 'My Dark Beautiful Twisted Fantasy', surely did the trick. He has had quite a journey, to say the least, from recording his first release as Bon Iver in a cottage out in the middle of nowhere, in solitude, to being one of the biggest names in music. Therefore springs the question; what might have been lost?

When listening to the self-titled 'Bon Iver', you instantly realize that things have changed, and what you'll first notice is probably that this time around, Justin has spoiled himself with the power of electricity, luring you in with an enthralling electric guitar. He now has the resources, and the peace of mind to create this album as an evolution of what 'For Emma' was, and you could absolutely see his EP 'Blood Bank' as a transition of sorts between the two albums. Though some might be intimidated of his change of scenery, this should be considered a good thing. We already had 'For Emma', and with the scenery changing for him personally, it's only natural that this is reflected in his music as well. While his freshmen release was beautiful and moving in it's solitude, this is beautiful and moving in it's grandeur. His two releases shouldn't be seen as different as such, but rather as complimentary. We have been waiting for a sequel, not a remake. This is the sequel. This is Bon Iver 2.0. This is, in spite of what he might think he knows, magnificent.

the fourth greatest album of 2011 is 

Bon Iver - Bon Iver

best song - 'michicant'

below you will find the five greatest remixes of this year, in a particular order:

Adele - 'Rolling in the Deep' (Jamie xx Shuffle Remix)

with a release date of 06/01/2011, this is definitely cutting it close, but i just couldn't leave a track such as this to chasing pavement. 'rolling in the deep' is probably one of this years absolute hits, and to have such a prominent up-and-comer do a remix feels as unsurprising as refreshing. the beauty of the lingering bassline, along with the added contrast from the pitched voice of john legend does nothing but add to the simplistic depth that has come to define our dear jamie xx. excellence is the bare minimum.
Lykke Li - 'I Follow Rivers' (Tyler, the Creator remix)
yet another simple yet hard-hitting beat, signed by, of course, none other than tyler, the creator. with what instantly feels like a match made in heaven, tyler blends his, to put it lightly, daunting rap with the haunting voice of lykke li. best of two worlds, in both of which i'd dive in, head first.
Frank Ocean - 'Thinking About You' (SBTRKT remix)
frank ocean has had quite a year, between seeing his fellow friends from the odd future wolf gang kill them all clan tour the world from afar and releasing his debut album, he found himself starring on jay-z and kanye's collab 'watch the throne', which was, without a doubt, the most anticipated release of the year. 'thinking about you' was just a flick of a brick away from making the top 5 original songs, but this remix by sbtrkt [subtract] had a spot guaranteed. disregarding the shoddy production value, this absolutely breathes the essence of frank ocean, while adding the experimenting that has come to define sbtrkt. i need this remastered. 
Lana Del Rey - Blue Jeans (The Internet remix)
another odd future addition, this time together with who is probably the most talked about artist of the past couple of months, lana del rey. gahwd, the remixes has been pouring down over her two only released songs 'blue jeans' and 'video games', primarily the latter, but the sensual feel of this production is so thick you could probably use it for all kinds of things. i still, several months later, can't got over the sensual addition the ambient background strokes brings. i just can't. they say chocolate is an aphrodisiac. sure, spend your money on that; i have this.
New Navy - Zimbabwe (Flume remix)
and here we have it, mambo number five. probably the least controversial of the bunch. flume previously provided a first class track in 'sleepless', and after this i've no doubt that we've lots more to expect from this man. i suggest that you listen to the original after this, just to see the amount of change he actually brought to this song, and how well it works. that said, if you like this, you'd probably be better off turning to flume or foals, since that's more up the alleyway of this remix than new navy. and that, ladies and gentlemen, is what makes remixes so great - the added dimension.

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